If you feel like you are not doing enough to lower your tax liability, you are probably right. Do you want help understanding what your options are for navigating the tax landscape? Have you heard of topics such as a Mega Backdoor Roth or a Qualified Opportunity Zone but haven’t taken the time to explore or implement these strategies for yourself? Are you concerned about estate tax liability and how to mitigate I ts impact? We can educate you about what your options are, how they work, and how to work them into your own financial plan.

What You'll Get:

  • 4 Meetings or Calls
  • A deliverable for tax-related recommendations
  • Education on tax maneuvers and their impact
  • Objective advice tailored to your goals

What We’ll Do:

  • Identify current tax situation and addressable problems
  • Prepare and present suggestions to change total tax liability
  • Develop a tax-mitigation action plan and help you implement it

Plus, after successful implementation of strategy you’ll also receive a 90 day check in meeting to:

  • Evaluate adjustments to your strategy
  • Incorporate new ideas
Tax time


Schedule a Call to Learn More